Why Dreamweaver?
These videos are designed to introduce the new features of Dreamweaver CS4 to those who have some experience with previous versions of Dreamweaver or at least some experience with other web design programs.
About the differences between Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4:
Though Dreamweaver CS4 is a nice upgrade from CS3, I would still say both versions are about 96% the same. As such, I just created the following 'bridge' videos for those interested in learning CS4 rather than creating an entire course.
If you are new to Dreamweaver and you want to learn CS4, just watch my CS3 then these CS4 training videos and soon you will be making web sites!
Dreamweaver CS4 Sample Video Tutorials
Dreamweaver CS4 Video Tutorials - New Features
Running time: 7:31In this video I go over some of the new cool features in Dreamweaver CS4. Things like:
- The code navigator
- The new split view
- The related files functionality
- The new properties panel
Dreamweaver CS4 Video Tutorials - A First Look
Running time: 10:47In this video I take a quick look at Dreamweaver CS4.
Dreamweaver CS4 Video Tutorials - Synchronization
Running time: 6:46How to use the synchronization feature in Dreamweaver CS4.
Dreamweaver CS4 Video Tutorials - Building a web page
Running time: 12:42How to build a webpage with Dreamweaver CS4.
Dreamweaver CS4 Video Tutorials - Properties Panel and CSS
Running time: 6:17How to use the new CSS option in Dreamweaver CS4's Properties Panel.