KillerSites Blog

Should Web Designers use Templates?

December 2, 2006


Recently on the forum a question was put the the group:

“Do you use a template as a web designer, it does save time, and you can add your own design on a template etc……”

You can read the other members comments on this, but for me, I found that templates are an essential tool in the web design process.

Back in the late 90’s, when I ran a web design firm, we actually developed our own set of web templates that cut down our production and cost considerably. At the same time, the web sites themselves became better and better since the code in the templates got more and more refined.

So if you are a web designer and you want to save time and money, build your own mini-collection of web templates or start shopping at a web template shop.

Once again, I’ve included a podcast / mp3 for those who like to listen.


Stefan Mischook