KillerSites Blog

Code is Key in Modern Web Design

February 21, 2014



Let’s get to the point:

The days of only using web design programs like Dreamweaver (and not knowing any code) are pretty much over … if you want to be a professional web designer.

These days, web designers need to learn code and a few different coding languages, to be able to effectively build modern websites.

… The good news is that it isn’t that hard with the right training.

Which languages do you need to learn?

In the order of importance:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. PHP

This may seem like a lot but the good news is that you DON’T have to be an expert in everything … you just have to have working knowledge of these key languages and know how to work them together.

Studioweb makes learning code easy!

If you are serious about developing these skills, take a look at my interactive video training system Studioweb.

Used by public schools, career centers and community colleges to train their students, you can take advantage of this self-paced learning system that will gently guide you towards total nerd glory and domination!


… As an added bonus, you can get certified with the same certification used by schools!

If you have questions, feel free to contact me:

Stefan Mischook