I finally got around to getting this video of me on television, talking about the importance of students learning to code. It comes down to two big reasons:
A huge number of high paying jobs in programming and coding.
Brain training: learning to code is like pushups for the mind!
Watch my interview to learn more:
If you want to learn more about learning or teaching code, check out StudioWeb.com
About 6 years ago, I began helping schools bring code into the classroom. My app and curriculum (StudioWeb) was originally conceived from my own ideas and experiences … that took us about 70% of the way there. Over the last 6 years though, StudioWeb has been highly refined, with the help from many teachers and students.
… You can’t beat real-world feedback, especially from students who are not shy to tell you what they think!
A new way to think about teaching
StudioWeb represents one of the new strategies (of teaching,) that schools are starting to embrace all over the world. A way where teachers are NOT expected to be masters of many subjects. Rather, teachers facilitate classrooms, and proven interactive video based courses, do the actual daily teaching.
… The best tools though, provide much more than just a set of videos and lesson plans.
I’ve been in the web development business for over 20yrs now, and one consistent problem for many well meaning nerds, is the over engineering of web apps. This extends to all development as well, not just the web developers.
… The old KISS acronym “Keep it simple, stupid”, seems to be forgotten with every new generation of developers.
So today we have once again, new and overly complex frameworks and apps being thrust upon us. I vlogged about this recently in this video:
Shameless self promotion:
If you like web development and you like things simple and easy, then you will probably like my Interactive Web Developer course package – it’s the best I’ve ever made and people love it.
I am writing just to say how happy I am with the courses. Although, I am a member of Lynda and Udemi, your courses are way better. For me you are the HIDDEN GEM, the YODA of web design. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
How do you find the worlds greatest web hosting? In the following video, I will tell you what to look for, and you’ll hear a little story about a web hosting disaster, that almost took down a multi million dollar company!!
… Ok, a little exaggeration. But it sounds great! π
Check out my video, all the answers to your web hosting questions will be found:
Let me start off with a subtle suggestion to the browser manufacturers: get your act together!!!
About 3-4 years ago was the golden time in the web browser world – they were making nice improvements in terms of function, features and speed. Now it seems, the engineers working on these browsers have lost their way?
In a rush to do something (who knows what?) the browsers have become increasingly buggy and sloppy. Especially Firefox.
I can understand Microsoft dropping the nerd-ball with their Edge web browser (which is falling off the edge ..) but with Firefox and Chrome, where the web browser is such a key aspect of their respective companies ecosystem, it makes no sense to me that they let them slide.
Browser caching bugs, bug me most
If I had to identify a single issue that really causes me major headaches, it’s the bloody caching bugs that cause web pages not to load properly, videos to skip (and not load) and pages to not properly refresh. Probably a close second in Firefox’s memory leaks that will slow a computer to a crawl – where you have to restart the browser to solve the issue.
Don’t get me wrong, browsers are MUCH better than they were 10+ years ago. But I fear, they are slowly sliding back into the abyss that once was. I humbly ask the powers that be to stop this slide.
If you like this rant of mine, you will likely like my web development course because it doesn’t have any bugs.
Every now and then I get the chance to visit a school using StudioWeb, and these visits have always proven to be invaluable in terms of refining our curriculum and app.
Here is the interview with the some students and their teacher:
What to take away from this video:
Students found some questions too easy – and the learned to write real code! This is where the spiral teaching method comes into play.
Students really liked the courses – you can see them laughing just thinking about the questions!
The teacher never taught code before – and got great results.
StudioWeb’s auto grading and tracking made it easy for the teacher.
If you would like to try a demo of any of our courses:
Web development is a moving target as technology changes. So what are the skills you need to start a web development business in 2017? It comes down to a few things:
Developing the skills of a modern web developer.
Figuring out what your local market is demanding.
Understand what KIND of development work you want to do.
Yes, after 6 years of working closely with many teachers and schools, we are proud to say that StudioWeb is an amazing tool for teachers and an amazing learning experience for students.
No matter who you ask, teachers and students love StudioWeb! Thatβs why we have 100% renewals!