KillerSites Blog


The Master Developer’s Code…About Coding…

December 10, 2018

A Code of Conduct about Coding and a play on words for sure!

It seems every profession, association or club has their own “code” of operation. A set of rules or procedures that govern how members dress, interact and methodically complete a project or task. Well guess what? We have one too. And ours is Waaayyy better because it’s a code…about coding (if you can’t do anything with that, maybe you’re just dead inside…).

The Master Developer’s Code

A set of 5 lessons that have been amassed over 20+ years as a programmer. Granted some of the lessons here can sound pretty obvious if you think about it, we rarely do in fact. Sometimes we get so caught up in wanting to be the best, wanting to WOW, that we can end up making a mountain out of a molehill or worse; not listening to client needs. After this video, I recommend checking out our “Keeping it Simple” article if you haven’t already. It’s worth it.

Speaking of coding; my popular courses:
Learn web development fast:
Learn Python 3 fast:

My social links:

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KISS [Kode it simple, slick]

November 15, 2018

Super complicated client side JavaScript and CSS, are all too common these days.

Are you being original or just gumming up the works?

A simple -if not a little insulting- acronym. How many times have we come across a co-worker, a manager, or even a boss drooping the old “kiss bomb”. Keep it simple, stupid… easier said than done? Sometimes, YES: absolutely. But other times, when we take a step back and look at the whole picture (maybe even take our egos out of the equation), we come to realize that simplicity can be clean, elegant and best of all easy.

Huge messes of code are a symptom of one or more of the following:

1. bad developers

2. overly complex frameworks

3. coders purposely hiding code …. by making it insanely complex.

At the risk of sounding old, “It’s not cool to write complex cryptic code that nobody can understand. Simple code is the best code”…ya young punks! And really you’re only hurting yourselves… What’s gonna happen when you have to go in 6, 8, 10 months down the road for updates and you have no idea what’s going on?

The pros keep the their work simple and clean where they can and not only do they look good, competent and in control; it saves them time. So get out there make life simple for yourself.

My popular courses:
Learn web development fast:
Learn Python 3 fast:

My social links:

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