May 11, 2010

In our ongoing effort to provide top quality screencasts authored by working web designers and web programmers (that means practical training) … we just released a new set of videos on PHP CRUD.
The official summary:
This is a six part series that covers how to create a basic application that creates, reads, updates and deletes records (often called CRUD) from a MySQL database using MySQLi. MySQLi helps prevent SQL injection, a common security issue. Understanding how to use a MySQL database and work with database records is an essential skill for beginning web developers.
You can find these videos in our growing collection of video training tutorials at Killersites University. I will be releasing several free samples from this (and other series) as soon as I can find the time – busy these days watching TV.
Stefan Mischook
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February 20, 2008

Because of recent demand, I decided to release my PHP video tutorials in iPod format – that means they play on your iPod.
… OK, you guys guessed that one.
These video were originally intended for viewing on a computer monitor, so some of the code examples will be harder to read since iPod screens are smaller.
Nonetheless, the discussions may be useful to watch on your iPod as you’re … say, on your way to work or school.
A small note: I’ve added some brief comments (in text) about each video, to give you a better idea of what you will find in the video before downloading it.
You can find the videos on the new iPod video page.
Stefan Mischook
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February 17, 2008
This is part 3 of 3 of my videos that introduces beginners to PHP sessions.

In this video, I conclude my practical look at basic PHP sessions.
PHP session video tutorial – part 3
Stefan Mischook
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February 14, 2008
This is the part 2 of 3 of my videos that introduces the beginner to PHP sessions.

In this video, I get into practical examples where we see basic PHP sessions in action.
PHP session video tutorial – part 2
Stefan Mischook
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February 13, 2008
I’ve just released a new beginners video tutorial that introduces people to PHP sessions:
PHP Sessions Video Tutorial
PHP sessions are one of the most important mechanisms in PHP because they solve a fundamental issue in web application development: keeping state on a user.

If what I just says confuses you, no worries, it’s explained in the video.
This is video 1 of 3 on sessions.
Stefan Mischook
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November 21, 2007
I’ve just posted an article related to object oriented PHP:
An introduction to the Zend Framework: writing object oriented PHP with ease.

The article covers concepts that are a little more advanced, but I think John (the author,) has done a good job making things understandable.
… I think anyone with just a little PHP knowledge, will find the article a worthwhile read.
Let me know what you think and if you have questions … you know what to do!
Stefan Mischook
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November 7, 2007
I’ve been asked many times (by web designers) about what programming language they should learn so that they can build database driven websites. My short answer is of course: PHP.
That said, I felt a little more detail was required: why do the competing technologies (ASP, ASP.NET, Ruby etc …) suck compared to PHP … in that regard?
From the article:
The article’s title (I admit,) will get some people little miffed at me. But, what can I say, the truth hurts!
Seriously, this statement is valid and is worth talking about because there are a lot of web designers out there who are considering the leap into building dynamic (database driven) web applications. And with so many choices (ASP, ASP.NET, Ruby etc …) it can be very frustrating when trying to make that choice.
Of course, I believe (and know) that PHP is the choice language/technology for web designers. But why are the other technologies not a good choice for web designers?
You can read the rest at
Why ASP, JSP and Ruby suck for web designers
Stefan Mischook
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October 8, 2007

In my continued attempts to teach web designers how to program with PHP (now an essential web design skill,) I’ve just released part 1 of 3, of my video series on creating custom functions in PHP.
We cover the very basics and learn about one of the key advantages of creating functions in php versus just write straight PHP code to your pages.
The Video: Custom PHP Functions
Part 2 and 3 will be out soon.
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October 4, 2007

I just released three videos on PHP functions that targets total beginners to programming and PHP.
The Videos:
I cover basic topics like how to spot and use functions, what are functions ‘returns’ and what are function ‘arguments’.
Stefan Mischook
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September 6, 2007
I’ve update my beginners tutorial on object oriented PHP adding steps 18-22.
Again, this is a code intensive article where I expect you to follow along with your PHP editors.

More to come.
Stefan Mischook
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