video tutorial
November 25, 2008

I just released a new set of Dreamweaver video tutorials that cover Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4. You can find them here:
Dreamweaver Videos
For these videos, I’ve upgraded both the video and sound quality … and I had to invest to make this happen. So I hope you guys will see and hear the difference!
The video course runs a total of about 7 hours, spanning over 30 videos.
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May 13, 2008

This is just the first of many new video tutorials on Flash CS3 (and the upcoming Flash CS4) and Actionscript 3.0.
Video: Nested Movie Clips in Flash CS3
Summary of the video tutorial:
Using Nested Animations in Movie Clips with Flash CS 3
By: Santo Romano
Tutorial level: Beginner to intermediate Flash users.
Flash version: Flash MX, MX2004, CS2, and CS3
When creating simple animations in Flash, the main timeline is often the best place to position your animations. However, when these animations are repetitive, the best way to handle them is to utilize the movie clip symbol in Flash. Unlike the other symbols you’ll find in the Flash environment, the Movie clip symbol is perfectly suited to handle this kind of work. Rather than creating multiple key frames over and over again, it is much better to nest the simple animation inside of a Movie Clip, and to let it handle most of the work.
Stefan Mischook
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February 27, 2008

I’ve released another video tutorial on Dreamweaver CS3 where I look at the three ways Dreamweaver gives you to edit web pages.
Video: Dreamweaver CS3 Editor Views
You can find all the Dreamweaver CS3 videos in the Dreamweaver section of
Dreamweaver CS3
Stefan Mischook
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February 22, 2008
I’ve released part 2 and 3 of my videos on building your first web page with Dreamweaver CS3.

Video: Building a web page with Dreamweaver CS3
You can get quick access to all the Dreamweaver CS3 videos on this page:
Dreamweaver CS3 videos
Stefan Mischook
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February 20, 2008

I just released a new video tutorial on Dreamweaver CS3. In this video (part 1 of 3) I walk you through the process of building your first web page with Dreamweaver CS3.
This video targets people new to Dreamweaver and people new to web design.
The video: Build a web page with Dreamweaver
Stefan Mischook
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February 20, 2008

Because of recent demand, I decided to release my PHP video tutorials in iPod format – that means they play on your iPod.
… OK, you guys guessed that one.
These video were originally intended for viewing on a computer monitor, so some of the code examples will be harder to read since iPod screens are smaller.
Nonetheless, the discussions may be useful to watch on your iPod as you’re … say, on your way to work or school.
A small note: I’ve added some brief comments (in text) about each video, to give you a better idea of what you will find in the video before downloading it.
You can find the videos on the new iPod video page.
Stefan Mischook
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February 17, 2008
This is part 3 of 3 of my videos that introduces beginners to PHP sessions.

In this video, I conclude my practical look at basic PHP sessions.
PHP session video tutorial – part 3
Stefan Mischook
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February 14, 2008
This is the part 2 of 3 of my videos that introduces the beginner to PHP sessions.

In this video, I get into practical examples where we see basic PHP sessions in action.
PHP session video tutorial – part 2
Stefan Mischook
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February 13, 2008
I’ve just released a new beginners video tutorial that introduces people to PHP sessions:
PHP Sessions Video Tutorial
PHP sessions are one of the most important mechanisms in PHP because they solve a fundamental issue in web application development: keeping state on a user.

If what I just says confuses you, no worries, it’s explained in the video.
This is video 1 of 3 on sessions.
Stefan Mischook
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February 8, 2008
After a few years of (I must admit) pure laziness, I finally started to work on a new set of Dreamweaver CS3 video tutorials.
… But, to be fair to myself, I wasn’t in a hurry to upgrade my Dreamweaver MX videos since the differences between CS3 and MX are really minimal … most of the changes are ‘under the hood’.

What is new about Dreamweaver CS3?
Dreamweaver CS3 is Adobe’s first official release of the software (Adobe just bought Macromedia) and so Dreamweaver CS3 now has the Adobe look and feel that is consistent across all their products including, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3 etc …
Beyond that, the following things stand out:
- Better CSS support.
- Better FTP and site management tools.
- Ajax support with the Spry framework.
… There’s more for sure, but those are the things that stand out for me.
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