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Digital Moments

This web page picks 36 images from a larger pool at random each time you visit. The entry page has a cluster of animated GIFs cycling through portions of various images.
Sharon Stargazer

Used as an example of how to make over a first generation site, with step-by-step instructions. Read the book for the makeover process.
Astrology Hotlist

A fun hotlist by astrology buff Gino Lee. The links are arranged in the shape of a crescent moon by means of the single-pixel GIF trick.

The Jimtown homepage uses a storefront theme, displaying its menu in the store windows much like a real store would display "for sale" signs.
David Siegel Project

The David Siegel Project uses an architect construction sheet metaphor. Home of the HTML terrorist himself - nuff said.
Women's Hotlist

Instead of using a foreground image, the spotlights on the Women's Hotlist is made into a large background image to work around the browser offset problem.
Dennett's Dream

Rather than to display thumbnails, Dennett's Dream uses a hallway metaphor for its gallery. The user uses the navigation arrows to "walk down the hall" and view the images.
The Idea Factory

Good metaphors tell a story, explain a concept, and provide a practical format for mapping information. What better way to describe the nebulous world of advertising than the concept of turning raw materials into a product?
Big Healeys

The best implementation of an odometer-style access counter. The speedometer is cut up into several images, with the access counter spliced in.
TV Dial

Click on the numbers surrounding the TV dial to "tune into a TV channel."

The Fila site shows it knows when to put animated GIFs in the game by using them to show off Fila shoes and the products' design principles.
The Fray

The Fray has become well known for its innovative HTML tricks and design, as well as its good writing. Visitors who don't know that they can pull the frames apart can just click on the arrows, which link to a new frame set with the doors open.
Zoloft Intro Page

Using the low-res/hi-res options of the IMG tag, the Zoloft introduction page presents you first with an envelope. When the image specified in the "high-res" portion loads, you see the open letter.
Urban Diary

A notebook sheet, complete with wrinkles, stains, and post-it notes, is the metaphor used for the Urban Diary web site. The image is somewhat on the large side, but the metaphor is great.
Pioneer Electronics USA

Pioneer Electronics USA's navigation makes exploring this mammoth site as easy as changing your radio station.The navigation is innovative but remembers to include the basics.
Disappearing Inc's Font Arsenal

Disappearing Inc. is a type foundry run by five guys who take hit-and-run typography seriously. The digital design group Red #40 (with members not coincidentally including Disappear Inc. font designers Jeff Prybolsky and Jason) designed and implemented the site.
Mungo Park

Mungo Park demonstrates a number of important design principles, but I want to focus here on its excellent use of Flash (also known as Flash 2, Shockwave Flash, and previously called FutureSplash). Before looking around the site on your own, make sure to download the incredibly small Shockwave Flash player from Macromedia.

Web design leaders Studio Archetype, with the skills of manager Karen Roehl-Sivak, design director Jack Herr, senior designer Brooks Beisch, designer Karin Bryant, and producer Nick McBurney, produced this well designed site for Revo. Note the slick JavaScript rollovers that trigger a tiny image of each sunglasses style to accompany each name - these thumbnails are small enough to be subtle, but effective enough to let the visitor browse the shapes.
David Siegel - Exit Tunnel

Instead of relying on server-push, David Siegel's exit tunnel places all the images on one page and anchors them with NAME tags. Clicking on one image takes you to the next one - the images seem to be server-pushed, but the response is a lot zippier.
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